Mga tanong na paulit-ulit:

Pwede po bang utang?

Sorry we do not accept utang. Pwede po COD (Cash on delivery) ;)

Ano po kaya ang size ko?


Bakit po ang tagal dumating ng order ko?

We can help you track your parcels but once na turnover na namin sa courier, the exact delivery date will be beyond our control. If your order has still not arrived after 14 days, please send us an email on

How many days does it take for my orders to be delivered?

Orders are usually delivered 7-14 days from the date of receiving your order confirmation on your email.

Do you accept returns?

Yes! We have a free 7-day policy for return and replacement. You can request a return within 7 days after receiving your item if it is damaged, defective, incorrect, or incomplete.



How can I contact

General Inquiries - | Creator Partnership Program-

Meron pa po akong ibang tanong.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact our team at via email.

Wala na po akong tanong.

Mabuti naman. Browse ka na, click mo to!