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Table of Contents

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Menu 1: Dashboard

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Menu 2: Product Listing

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Add Product

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Submitting Your Designs

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Product Additional Details

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Menu 3: Transactions

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Customer Orders

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Menu 4: My Account

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Account Details

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Extra Information

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Menu 5: Payment Method

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Menu 6: Creator’s Guide

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Menu 7: Announcements


Welcome to your prenta.ph Creator’s Guide. Whether you’re a newly on-boarded artist or one of the pioneers, you can make use of this guide whenever you have queries navigating your seller account now that you ventured in your #artist-seller era. Let’s start on where you can login as a prenta.ph seller.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to the seller login page: seller.prenta.ph
    1. Login to your seller count.
  1. Once logged in successfully, you will be brought to the Dashboard page.
  1. At the top part of the webpage, you will see a menu bar which has the following: Dashboard, Products, Transactions, My Account, Payment Method, Creator’s Guide, and Notifications.

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 1: Dashboard

Your Dashboard contains Sales, Store Summary, Store Earning, Top Sold Products, Recent Orders.

  1. Sales: Sales are presented in a graph by months.
  2. Store Summary: This section will show how many items to be listed were approved, pending, or disapproved.
  3. Store Earning: Here you can check your earnings. Note: deductions from discounts or promotions incurred on your products is not yet calculated. You can check your earnings depending on the dates that you will set using the date fields. This also contains the total commissions that you earned and the total production cost of the items that were sold.
  4. Top Sold Products: Narito ang first honor mong item. Sheesh! #BeyondEverythingElse. You can also view the details of that particular product.
  5. Recent Orders: The latest and most recent orders of your items will appear here.

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 2: Product Listing

Product Listing is where you can see your listed products and add items.

  1. Click the “Product Listing” on the menu bar. This will bring you to the “Product Listing” webpage. View your listed items here.

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  1. To add an item, click the red “Add Product” button.

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Menu 2: Product Listing > Add Product

  1. In the “Add Product” section you will see fields where you can edit and/or upload files. Below are the following fields and how to navigate through them. Kaya yan!! 🙂

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  1. Product Title: This will be the name of only one (1) particular item or product. We suggest that you give your item a good, catchy, and relevant name to the design that you did.
    1. Product Type: Here, you need to choose the category of the item that you are listing. There will be an auto-suggest in this field. You don’t have to type anything here. You’ll just click the area with the text “Select Product Type Here” and you will be presented options to choose from.

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  1. Description: Description must contain mainly about the art and the thoughts and story behind it. You can also add personalized touches and messages that will connect you with your audience. You don’t have to include details about the quality of the shirt because prenta.ph already set it in your soon-to-be product page 😉. You can insert emojis, videos, different text styles, and fonts because this field is a “rich text field” as seen on the picture above. Artists and Creators, you do you! 🙂
    1. Product Pricing: First things first. YOU GOT TO DECIDE! Yes, you set your own price on every item that will be sold. Here’s how it works. As you can see from the image above, there is a “production cost”. This will be the basis of the price that you’re going to set. For example, the production cost for a white shirt is ₱609.00. You set a selling price of ₱1000.00. Therefore, your artist’s royalty per shirt will be ₱391 per shirt. Below is a guide for price setting if you have zero idea on product pricing and a first-timer. Remember, these are all suggestions. 🙂
How much should I price my shirts?
Based on the Local Shirt Brands in the Philippines, the typical price range falls between ₱680.00 and ₱1,150.00.

Aiming for a higher price point, signals quality and exclusivity to supporters. We recommend setting a price that is rounded and even (e.g., ₱900, ₱1,100). This communicates that the premium they're paying reflects the true value and quality of the product and is not a result of budget cuts in manufacturing.

On the contrary, a lower price suggests affordability. If you opt for this range, consider pricing with odd numbers and decimal points (e.g., ₱799.99, ₱949.99). This assures customers that they are paying the minimum for the product without any extra costs. Additionally, you can arrange a simulated discounted price to further stimulate buying interest.

You decide on the price, you can even set a luxurious price for your shirt (e.g., ₱5,000.00 per shirt). The production cost will still remain as we set it before, and all the profits are yours no matter how big.
Please note that as we are still starting, we do not need to collect VAT from customers yet. Once we reach the threshold, you will be informed, and we will begin collecting taxes at checkout.

Menu 2: Product Listing > Submitting Your Designs

  1. In this section, you have to strictly follow the guidelines so that your design will be at its best in production.

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  1. Below this illustrated guide in the Add Product webpage, you will see three fields to upload your design namely: “Front Design, Rear Design, Neck Tag Design”. The files should be uploaded separately for efficient and faster production.
    1. Each of the three files should NOT exceed 10 MB.
      1. File names should follow the given format: “front.png, back.png, and necktag.png”
        1. Front Design and Rear or Back Design is optional but make sure that one of them will have a design because it’s hard to print if you will not provide something for us to print. Hehehe.
          1. Neck Tag Design is REQUIRED. We want you to be famous; for your supporters to wear YOUR SHIRT and not just a prenta.ph shirt, so let your artist name FLOURISH through the neck tags. #BeyondHeartReacts

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Menu 2: Product Listing > Product Photos / Mock-ups

  1. Product Photos: These are the actual photos of the item
    1. Mock-up: These are digitally produced images of a design that will represent how the product will look without actually producing it.

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      1. You can generate your own mock-ups or use the template that we provided. The template will include a PSD file, source folder, and the same instructions that are also available in this guide

        PSD file: an Adobe Photoshop file which you can edit.
        Source Folder: here is where you will place your design graphics

        Such as:

        • Front.png
        • Back.png
        • Necktag.png
  1. The instructions in creating a mock-up using the template is below. The instruction is also available on the folder that you can download from the webpage.
    Do Not Distribute. For use only for 'preta.ph'. All Rights Reserved by 'preta.ph'.
    Mockup Generation Instructions:
    1. Open the PSD File.
    2. Allow the file to fully load within Photoshop.
    3. Replace the graphics inside the smart objects layers:
    How to replace the smart objects?
    	a. On the Layers tab (usually located at the bottom-right of the Photoshop window), double click the thumbnail of the smart object: '01. Front (double click)'.
    	b. A new window will pop up. Insert your design here and delete the existing layer.
    	c. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S; this will update the original PSD. After saving, you can close the current window.
    d. Repeat these steps for all smart layers: '02. Rear (double click)', '03. Necktag (double click)'.
    P.S. If only one side is utilized, use 'blank.png' located in the same downloaded folder as the design for the side you want blank.
    4. Once you have replaced the images, proceed to export them. Navigate to "File" -> "Export" -> "Export As..." or utilize the shortcut "Alt+Shift+Ctrl+W".
    5. When exporting, ensure that everything is saved as JPEG format with a quality setting of six (6).
    6. It's crucial to prioritize lower image quality for website use to prevent significant slowdowns in loading times, especially for users on mobile data connections.
    7. Once you're done with the mock-ups, you can now go back to the product Listing page and upload your mock-ups! :)
  1. Please note that aside from uploading the mock-ups, as stated on the picture above, you can also upload your own custom photos like a custom lay-out, you or someone wearing your shirt, work-in-progress shots and the likes. This will show your identity and artistry on your product webpage that will appear on prenta.ph website.

Menu 2: Product Listing > Collections

  1. This section is for categorization of a certain item or product. This categorization will be helpful for your visibility on the website.
    1. You will be the one to choose a category for your item. You will choose by clicking the little square box and a check mark will appear. You can click 20 categories maximum in which your product may fall under. The more accurate the categories, the more chances of winning. Charot! But seriously, the more effective it is.
      1. The photos below show the unselected categories (left) and the sample selected categories (right).

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Menu 2: Product Listing > Product Additional Details

  1. This section is for the search bar. Whatever you’ll put in the fields here will help your product to be searchable or pop-up first as a search result.
    1. Metafield: a tool you can use to help your items show up better in search engines. Think of them like hashtags on social media. If you don't want to use them, just leave this section blank.

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 3: Transactions

Transactions has a drop-down menu: Customer Orders and Commission/Royalties. You can hover your mouse on the “Transactions” text and a dropdown will appear.

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Menu 3: Transactions > Customer Orders

  1. Here you can see or view customer orders that include one or more of your shirt designs.
    1. You will see the order ID, Store Order ID, Date, Customer Name, Payment Mode, Payment Status, Fulfillment Status, and Action.
      1. Note that orders are fulfilled by prenta.ph so you just have to share, market, and post your arts for more orders to come!

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Menu 3: Transactions > Commissions/Royalties

  1. Commission or Royalties refer to the amount that you will earn or receive per shirt sold. You will be the one to set the amount when you list an item in the “Product Listing” menu.
    1. In this menu you can check your earnings and pending commission you will receive at month end. You can also see the pay-out history that you have received from the platform.

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 4: My Account

Menu 4: My Account > Account Details

  1. Email: Input an active email that we can contact you with.
    1. Creator Full Name: Your real full name that is the same with the registered name in your birth certificate.
      1. Creator Brand Name: A stage name or any name for your brand that will be used in prenta.ph website. This can also be the same as your artist account handles in your social media accounts.
        1. Landmark, House No., Street, Barangay: Input the specific address details where we can send you some packages. Street and Barangay is important so that it will be searchable in our couriers’ systems.
          1. City or Town, Province: Your address won’t be complete without your City or Town and Province so don’t forget this too.
            1. Contact Number/s: You can add one contact number or multiple just separate it with commas.

Menu 4: My Account > Extra Information

  1. Creator’s Name: This should be the same as your brand name so you’ll be identified by your supporters easily.
    1. Public Profile Picture: Your profile picture will appear on the prenta.ph website. You can choose whether you will use a photo of you or an illustration or logo that will represent you.

      Note: ASPECT RATIO 1:1 OR 4:5 | MIN. WIDTH: 1080PX and file should not exceed 10 MB

  1. Creator Description: Make or compose a brief introduction about you and your works. Personalize it as much as you can. This will be your branding and identity.
    1. Social Media Link: Preferably a website-portfolio or link in bio tools (linktr.ee, or a card.co link if available, otherwise, use your favorite platform.)
      1. Store Banner: This is for future use. You can upload a banner if you want.

        Note: Image can be uploaded of any dimension but we recommend you to upload image with dimension of 900x225 px.

        1. Make sure to read the terms and conditions then click the square toggle box to put a check mark once you read and agree to it. It is a best practice to read it from time to time.

Menu 5: Payment Method

  1. Menu 5 is transactions. Here, you just need to choose a payment method where prenta.ph can send the royalties that you will receive after your items are sold.
    1. In the example below, the payment method is set as “e-wallet” and the chosen e-wallet is G-Cash.
      1. Inside the box, you need to input your account details that correspond to your chosen account.
        1. Currently, we consolidate all earnings at the last day of the month. We send out the royalties in the first three days of the following month. For example, we add up all your earnings on March 31, 2024. Then, we will send it to you between April 1-3, 2024.

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 6: Creator’s Guide

You’re already here. Bwahahahaha. prenta.ph made this especially for you (or all of you our dear artists and creators). Hope this helps!

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Back to Table of Contents

Menu 7: Announcements

  1. The Announcements menu is like notifications.
  2. You can see here all the messages that prenta.ph admin will send to you.
  3. Your seller account will also have a notification bell on the top-right part of the webpage that will indicate if you have message/s to read.

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